Frocktober 2023

Earlier this year, my gorgeous sister-in-law Kylie was hospitalised with symptoms from an illness that continued to escalate. During her stay, we received a phone call with the words that no-one ever wants to hear "The doctors say it might be cancer"

After some investigating, it was confirmed that she had Ovarian Cancer

Chemo was started immediately, with surgery following quickly after, followed by further chemo. This is where we are at in the journey now, with a good response to everything so far 🤞

So when Frocktober came across my news feed, I knew that it was something I had to support. Raising funds for Ovarian Cancer by wearing pretty dresses? I'm in!

This October, Ciao Bella Dresses will be donating $10 from the sale of every dress from our Frocktober Collection to the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF)


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